Mossberg serial number
Mossberg serial number

22LR 82 Mossberg 715t Sn EM1389xxxxx Purchase date 1/11/15 Hope this helps old mossy Global Moderator Staff member Global Moderator Moderator 83 Every number counts. We are trying to make this a quick reference chart for members who want to find the date of their Mossberg.Ī big thanks to blacksmith who is also working on this project and a chart for this. old mossy Global Moderator Staff member Global Moderator Moderator 81 Updated list see page 1. We are asking for the first few digits of you serial #, (A123xxx)and any info you have on the gun.(box label,date bought) However, shotguns were not required to have serial. I know there are a lot of members wanting to know the date of their Mossberg's without the hassle of calling Mossberg or Havlin. The serial number on the Mossberg 500 is on the left side of the receiver, just below the trigger group pin. Is the a web site to lookup this information on I searched but couldn't find anything like this. We are getting together a Mossberg serial number data base. tom626 Registered Joined 193 Posts Discussion Starter 1 Is the any way to determine when a Mossberg 500 was made based on the serial number I tried emailing Mossberg, but got no reply.

Mossberg serial number