Please do not make public accusations on a users wall or in their notes!.Please do not discuss your suspicions in the forums!.Our Foul Play Detection Staff will conduct a thorough investigation, gathering statistics and reports on said user, keeping all findings confidential, taking appropriate action against the reported user if/when a concrete assessment has been made. If you have reason to believe someone is referencing the illegal assistance of engine analysis, please see how to report it here.How do I report someone for breaking the Fair Play rules? Using your own personal notes in Live - This one surprises most people, but it’s the same as using an opening book! If you wrote out all the possible moves for a certain opening, and reference them during a live game, this is considered cheating! A good rule to remember for live chess is to only use your own brain!.Using an opening book in Live - Whether it’s an online opening library, or a book sitting in your lap, if it’s showing you what move to play it could get your account closed!.If you want to do something like this, the game MUST be unrated, and your friend MUST be aware that assistance is being used, or your account will get closed!

One scenario we have encountered is two friends who were trying to see which engine was stronger by playing engine moves in a game against each other.